The Agency of Social Affairs and Employment (Agentschap SZW) is called Implementation of Policy as of 1 January 2018; part of the Service, Collaboration and Implementation Department of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. We implement subsidies relating to socio-economic policy in particular for work and income policies like the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Globalisation Fund (EGF) and European migration and security funds, but also other complex projects.
Implementation of Policy also administers a few nationally-financed subsidies like Co-financing Sectoral Plans and the Subsidy for Child Care ‘Language and Interaction Skills’ and offers implementation support when it comes to complex policy processes. For example we managed in 2016 the regulation Damage Claims ‘Vacation Days’.
We are a result-orientated young organization and is part of the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid). Important attributes embedded in our working culture are professionalism, proactivity, efficiency, transparency and knowledge-sharing.
With a competent and well informed workforce consisting of permanent staff, a flexible shell of temporary employees, a stable ICT environment and a good financial and administrative process, we perform our expertise and are able to anticipate and act accordingly in a world of constant change.
The director of our organization is Mrs. I. Vanhecke.